Game Designer/ Level Designer Student
A Fan Valorant level
A level based on Valorant, playing with the attacker and defender zones in the central part. The defenders could use an underground tunnel to easily access all areas, while the attackers will have a slightly harder time, but if they are skilled, it could create an interesting dynamic
Magocracia is an action RPG about an old man who wants to avenge the death of his friend. The old man has 3 diferent powers that will unlock during the diferent levels, in adition he can improve their powers talking to the pub girl.
In this project I worked as a producer taking into account time and resources, I also worked in the design of diference mechanics and I also made the level design of the diferent levels. Lastly, I have also handled the social media aspect of the project.
Space Prision
Space Prision consist of a tower defense where diferents enemies try to stop your machine. You can stop the enemies depending on the power you shoot to them, in addition you should protect your machine and your electrical cables.
In this project I worked as a producer , gameplay designer and level designer, thinking with other clasmates the diferent mechanics and the transitive system of the loop of the game. Finally I made the design of the world space. It was a short project but one of my frist videogames.
Mas allá de mi mundo
Mas allá de mi mundo is a serious game that addresses domestic violence and aims to raise awareness among young children about it and how to approach the issue, even at a young age, so they understand that they should not tolerate certain behaviors and that they can always ask for help.
In this project, we were working with the ANAR Foundation. My role was as an artist, creating the panels for the story we were telling. I also worked on animating for some characters, like the yellow one and the three-headed dragon. Finally, I helped resolve some bugs.